The Bible shows us again and again that the Lord of heaven and earth, the God who created everything and made us in His image, is a missionary God. He pursued Adam and Eve and made an offering and covering for their guilt and shame. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to provide a once for all sacrifice for sins to make peace between us and Him. One day, He will again send His Son, Jesus Christ, to make all things new and perfectly right again in us, between us, and throughout all of His creation. Jesus came and preached His gospel, that all who have faith in Him are justified and are made new to be more and more like God Himself. We will never be God but we become or imitate Him more and more until Jesus returns. Jesus not only preached the gospel but He healed people of their physical, psychological, emotional, and relational issues. He looked after us both body and soul. So, our missionary work, both locally and globally, must address both the physical and spiritual complexities and needs of people. At Faith, we encourage everyone to be on mission, whether that's getting involved in local outreaches or short term mission trips. Find out more about local outreach and our international mission efforts below.