How Did Faith Church Start?
The ministry of Faith Church had its beginning in the fall of 1973, when five families came together as they felt the leading of the Lord to establish a new church ministry in Worcester Township. The young church plant began meeting in one another's living rooms. They worked together as a team, each using his or her spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ. Faith's first pastor, Sam Seymour, came on board in 1974. Eventually, the church moved from a house church to a garage church. By the Lord's help, members converted a two car garage into Faith's first official building. They had classes in bedrooms, basements, and living rooms and meals around dinner tables. God used those experiences to build their bonds of love and unity.
After 5 years, the church outgrew the garage and by God's grace built on beautiful property at the intersection of Water St. and Quarry Hall Rd. (our current location). Over 15 years, Faith continued to faithfully go and make disciples and saw the Lord increase their number to over 350 members. Faith has always been defined by its love for the Lord and His Word. We have always loved gathering to sing God's praises and go out and serve as Jesus' ambassadors. Our history is marked by our love to better our community and world for the glory of God. As we get ready to celebrate 50 years together, we look back and say "what a wonderful God we serve!"
After 5 years, the church outgrew the garage and by God's grace built on beautiful property at the intersection of Water St. and Quarry Hall Rd. (our current location). Over 15 years, Faith continued to faithfully go and make disciples and saw the Lord increase their number to over 350 members. Faith has always been defined by its love for the Lord and His Word. We have always loved gathering to sing God's praises and go out and serve as Jesus' ambassadors. Our history is marked by our love to better our community and world for the glory of God. As we get ready to celebrate 50 years together, we look back and say "what a wonderful God we serve!"

How Are We Expanding The Vision?
We continue to joyfully carry on the torch of those first Faith members who walked with God by faith and sought to love their neighbor. We gather to worship the risen Savior together by looking to His Word, singing His praise, celebrating the Lord's Supper and baptisms, and share meals with one another. We still meet in each other's homes, just in smaller care groups to truly share life together. At one time we supported just one missionary and now we support over two dozen missionaries reaching others with the gospel. We're not only involved internationally but also in our communities, going and making disciples in our region of towns and cities.
Where Are We Heading?
Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (CSB). We believe that and seek God's Spirit to make that true in our hearts and lives. We cherish doctrine but desire that what we know leads to Spirit transformation. That the end of all we do is to know and love God and love our neighbor.
To this end, we seek to be salt and light in our community. Our desire is to reflect on and treasure the gospel and take a long look at how we are engaging those around us. We want to focus on building up the saints and equipping them for ministry, to be ambassadors for King Jesus. We are intentionally focusing on mentoring and discipling new leaders and unleashing members for new ministry.
To this end, we seek to be salt and light in our community. Our desire is to reflect on and treasure the gospel and take a long look at how we are engaging those around us. We want to focus on building up the saints and equipping them for ministry, to be ambassadors for King Jesus. We are intentionally focusing on mentoring and discipling new leaders and unleashing members for new ministry.

Let's Build God's Kingdom Together...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30am.
1341 Quarry Hall Rd. Norristown, PA 19403.